Dear Friends and Colleagues:
All of our lives have been affected by the challenges and uncertainty of the past month, and we continue to fight through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our first and highest responsibilities are the health and safety of our families, community and each other as we lean-in together to do our part to overcome this life-threatening test of our resiliency, discipline, and selflessness.
Today, we feel that greater than ever, mental and behavioral health related issues are not going to go away or magically resolve themselves; they are on the rise during these trying times of uncertainty. The BHFC team is here to support you and your organization. Jim and I will not be available to visit your facilities for a while, so we focus on providing resources to you and your organization through electronic collaboration; to offer any relief possible to your mental and behavioral health staff and begin to examine new ways that mental health services can be provided during these unprecedented times.
We are here for you to:
Assist with the Safety Risk Assessment process by remotely reviewing floor plans and photos of your existing conditions;
Review facility needs to support telehealth and other remote mental services;
Relieve some pressure on your staff by assisting with regulatory survey preparation;
Relieve some pressure on your staff by providing a peer review of projects that are in planning stages for compliance with current regulatory requirements and leading practices;
Assist with product selection for routine, or emergency, replacement of furniture or finishes;
Assist your staff with beginning to address previously identified issues that will need to be addressed after this crisis has passed to allow quicker implementation when the time is right;
Assist your staff with imagining new ways to provide mental and behavioral health services after we emerge from this crisis and what environmental changes will be required to efficiently provide those services.
Any manner needed through remote collaboration.
We remain committed to our partners and the communities we serve. Our thoughts are with all of you and your families. Please take good care of yourselves and each other. We will get through this together.
Your Friends,
Kim McMurray and Jim Hunt
Behavioral Health Facility Consulting, LLC